Project Tanzania

An initial scoping programme took place in November 2012 sponsored by DFID, Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET) and Stewarts Law LLP at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC). It was undertaken by a multidisciplinary team including therapists, nurses and a medical consultant, working at the world renowned National Spinal Injuries Centre, Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire. We proposed and then executed a 3-year education and training project at the KCMC in Moshi Tanzania.

This major project required long term funding and stimulated the development of this independent charity in 2013. Our charity’s objectives are deliberately far wider, but always focussed on supporting education, training and research to impact through the improved care and outcomes for Spinal Injuries both nationally and internationally.

The results at KCMC have been outstanding, with mortality rates improving and specialist care and rehabilitation now taking place in a dedicated building on the main hospital site. The specialist staff from the National Spinal Injuries Centre, are directly sponsored by the charity to train and teach the multidisciplinary team at KCMC.

A further project working with Motivation Africa to support the Kilimanjaro Association Spinal Injury (KASI) Peer Support Group began at the same time and continued until March 2019. Further investment is currently being considered

The charity provided grants via Motivation Africa to enable Peer Group Training to impact on the survival, mobility and quality of life for people suffering spinal cord injury in Tanzania. These
were given from April 2013 – March 2019. Further investment is currently being considered

The charity has agreed to continue this from April 2017

In 2015-16 the inaugural African Spinal Injuries Conference was held in Botswana. The charity supported delegates to attend from KCMC, KASI and staff from the National Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital.

In 2016/17 the charity was a major sponsor for the AFSCIN 2 conference held in Dar es salaam, Tanzania and again supported delegates from KASI and KCMC.

In 2017/18 the charity was a major sponsor for the AFSCIN 3 conference held in Zambia supporting delegates across East Africa

The Trustees welcome applications for funding of small time limited projects within the scope of our objectives, from national and international centres throughout the world.

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Project Mauritius

The Charity has actively supported the brilliant work of the NEURAM Foundation working in Mauritius by sponsoring their Spinal Cord Injury workshops and conferences since 2017

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